by Singer Lima Gogoi
My sister is,
someone i cannot replace,
she will always be there for me,
when i have no one else.
My sister makes me happy
Sometimes she makes me sad
but without her, I would be lonely.
My sister makes me laugh and is fun to be around
sometimes she can be annoying
But without her fun and laughter, life would be a bore.
My sister is,
the one who can make me laugh,
when all i want to do is cry,
My sister is,
the one who knows me best,
from inside to the out,
My sister gives me joy like the sun
Sometimes she gives me anger like the rain
but without it, my days would be the same and the rain wouldn't wash away the pain.
My sister,
is there to make memories whatever they may be,
but for now,
It's just my sister and me.
My sister is my very best friend
sometimes we bump heads like two bulls and become enemies
but without a battle through our differences, we wouldn't be able to apologize and start over.
Love you my sister.