A Mother's Christmas Wish

by L. Michael Hellums
(Corpus Christi, Tx. )

Dear Santa,

I really did try not to break down and cry,
As I prepare for our Christmas this year.
For these seasons are rough and it's hard saying bye,
And I’m fighting to hold back my tears.

I’ll try and explain, as I live through the pain
of not seeing my son for a while.
I’ll wait day and night, in sunshine and rain
for a chance to see my son’s smile.

He left home today, in his own special way
and everyone will soon see.
He’s a U.S. Marine, and it’s time to go
fight so we can be free.

My son told me Mother, I will defend my brother
on land, in air and on sea.
If our roles were reversed, my Marine brothers
would defiantly be there for me.

Some people feel, it’s no big deal
to serve our great country with pride.
Trust me, they’re wrong, and it won’t be long
they will be looking for a good place to hide.

I believe in my heart, God won’t keep us apart
as I pray tonight and kneel.
For only God knows, the way it will go
and the pain a mother can feel.

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