About My Word Wizard

My Word Wizard is dedicated to the poet in all of us.  Our vision is to create a perfect match between the words our readers are looking for and great writing and writers.  We gladly welcome poetry submissions and will only display original work. 

The contents of My Word Wizard, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the MyWordWizard.com Site ("Content") are for the personal non-commercial use of our audience only.  Content on this site cannot be published without the written consent of MyWordWizard.com. Requests can be submitted by clicking the contact us link below.

FCC Disclosure

The Federal Trade Commission requires that we disclose any relationship we have between a product manufacturer or service provider when we write about a product or service.

Here are the guidelines we operate under at My Word Wizard:

  • We are never paid to do a review. We never accept money to review a product or service. We invest our own time to review products or provide editorial information.

  • If we create a link to a product or service, sometimes we may get paid a commission if you purchase the product or service. These links are included after posts and articles are written. Our goal is to provide both quality editorial and helpful product recommendations, regardless of compensation.
  • No advertiser will ever influence the content, topics or posts made in this site or related blog.

These are good rules and practices in today’s digital world. It’s important for you to understand the relationship between a person writing about a product and the manufacturer or service provider.

If you don’t see a disclosure policy on a blog or website, that site or blog may be violating the law or at the very least the Code of Ethics.

The opinions on MyWordWizard.com, particularly those contributed by our readers, may not necessarily reflect the views of the My Word wizard editorial staff. We do our best to not include any questionable information.

Questions? Never hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us

Please feel free to share your own poetry or if you have any comments on the information we provide.  Just click the contact us button below.


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