Battles Within and Battles Without

by Richard Harris
(Jacksonville, Fl, USA)

Battles Within and Battles Without

© August 14, 2009

Richard O. Harris

Battles Within and Battles Without over things causing us fear.
Fear of loss, of being alone, or some fear we may not know.
These battles also rage alongside the needs we hold so dear.
Needs of food, of shelter too, or a love that may never grow.

Yet we continue each day in a somewhat normal pattern
We’re going here and there, or there to finish a preplanned course.
So the battles will not overtake us and we do not learn
What exactly is it we do fear and where is this fear’s source.

Battles Within, Battles Without will sometimes cause someone to do
Many things that person might not wish done to him or her.
I know this because, like you, I fight these battles daily too.
After all these years, when I fear instead I will show anger.

What’s the answer? I do not know. That’s why I am writing this.
Each of us must do our best on our own daily battleground.
I can only share with you, my battles are less hit than miss.
One thing, for me, I know for sure the battles go round and round.

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