Birthday Wishes from Mum & Dad

by Daisy Kizza
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

When my mum said, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!"
I knew I would always be her youngest child
Doesn't matter how old I'm getting
I will always be a kid in her mind
I suppose that image never disappears
That picture she sees through her eyes
Of a tiny little girl with a stutter and
An apprehension of people - a girl too shy
When she calls me she makes it brief
Never drags the conversation long
She asks only for what she wants to get out of me
Nothing more - and then the call is gone
It seems like it's a true blue moon
When the phone rings and it's mummy calling
She calls at the weirdest times too, haha
But I enjoy it - always gets me laughing
Coz then I start thinking of my father
When he called, saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU!"
He said, "Look how old you're getting?!
How did you reach twenty-two?!"
I said, "Uhm - I prayed daddy!" - and he laughed at me, saying
"I never figured you the type to pray!"
But I thank the good Lord all the time
He keeps my parents alive for me every day
He asks about everything
"How's work? How's the weather? How are you?"
Every call lasts longer than a minute coz
We could talk about anything - true
I think these conversations make up for
All the talks we never had in my youth
Coz I was joined to my mother at the hip, now
I talk to my dad and say, "DUUUUUUDE!"

My parents are awesome, rock stars
A mismatched pair who happen to love
Been together forever and a million days
Produced four, of which I am the youngest one
There are moments when I long for birthday wishes
From that person, that friend, that dude
But at the end of my day, my heart swells with love and warmth for
My mum and dad's messages of . . .

Thank you God, for the most obvious blessing of family . . .

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