Can You hear me ?

by Richell Gonzalez
(Miami Florida)

as i enter i feel the hairs on my neck stand up
that never bothered me , since it ain't new
but i ask myself this question
every time i lay my head staring out
these prison bars

straying into the darkness listening
to myself breathe i feel it , i hear it
but don't wanna accept it

its getting closer its approaching me ,
the tears i cry can anyone hear them
I'm not crazy i swear its true but when i think
of this i don't got a clue

my heart stops now what is there to do ,
no one can hear me no one cares , sitting here
alone and cold this is no place like home

i hate myself for what I've done , but don't
you see .. I'm just another one , behind these cells
just tryna hold in tears i hope one day i wont stop in fear

my family .. i put them through
the worst pain what can i say I'm ashamed.

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Apr 07, 2017
Can You hear me?
by: Anonymous


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