Change Us Lord
by Shirley Denton
(Dayton, Ohio)
Lord can you hear me when I pray
so many troubles come my way
sickness and death keep me from my rest
upon my bed I toss around my mind filled with torment
the world has no compassion or dignity
The news talks about killings and children starving
it plays in my head night and day
I feel so helpless because it's such an ugly sight
Lord I'm not complaining
just need your help
take away this ugly mess and let me rest
let your mighty spirit move today
reach out to the needy and change the hearts of men
But if needless children must die
I will cry for them till my eyes go dry
I try real hard Lord but I can't change a thing
so it's up to you Lord
I pray not for myself but for our world
direct us on the perfect path and help us not to stray
touch our hearts and fill us with compassion and dignity
Oh merciful father I pray