Citizens of 'Our World's Leader', Make Christmas 2011 Change Our World

by Jan de Wandelaer

Hello brightness, my old friend, I’ve come to look you in the face
as my vision dimmed, not only due to what I thought was true.
Your state of mind came over me and whispered ‘fast’ instead of ‘pace’.
I could not find my words to resist against an overwhelming you.

As I saw your freedom in the eye, I worshiped all that came with it.
I strived for more and more and higher and higher, there was no end
Your neon lights were my examples. I could not get enough of it.
Your profiles in the sky I planted in my cities. I made no bow, no bend.

Hello my friend, I saw you suffering in the dark, dust came over you.
We still are friends, but somehow my profound belief did crash
as dignity and humanity came stumbling all along in cries with you.
And what I see is anger all along; please work with us to end this mash…

Jan de Wandelaer
The Netherlands, Utrecht, 12th September 2011

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