Do You See?

by Foreversky
(Calgary, Alberta )

Do you see that girl sitting all alone? 
Her lack of sleep has always shown.

Do you see that girl hiding in the dark?
She's trying so hard to cover every cut and mark.

Do you see that girl who never says much at all?
She's afraid to stand up again because she's scared she'll fall.

Do you see that girl who won't even grin?
Everyday she continues to get so thin.

Do you see that girl with blue eyes?
When she comes to school they're red from the tears she cries.

Do you see that girl that everyone ignores?
Her body is covered with bruises and sores.

Do you see that girl over there? 
She has no one that will care.

Do you see that girl that's always being put down?
That's not the only reason she will only frown.

Do you see that girl with her clothes all torn?
Right now she's wishing she was never born.

Do you see that girl with the newly broken arm?
She's been put through so much harm.

Do you see that girl with the messy hair?
She's left alone to drown in her own despair.

Do you see that girl with the pale face?
She's starting to believe everyone that says she's a disgrace.

Do you remember that girl that stopped coming to school?
Rumors began spreading that she drowned in a pool.

Do you remember that girl that always looked weak?
That girl was tired of being called a freak.

Do you remember that girl that would always fall asleep in class?
She endured more pain with every day that would pass.

Do you remember that girl that had a scar on her side?
That girl tried so many times to commit suicide.

Do you remember that girl who's 14th birthday never came?
She would always hide her face in shame.

Do you remember that girl that always looked so sad?
Her mom was dead and she got beaten by her dad.

Do you remember that girl that was so afraid? 
Her life was taken by a blade:

Do you remember that girl that always carried a knife?
That same girl took her own life.

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