Down The Long Road of Solitude

by Haley D.

I walk down the road
the road that knows nothing of light
only dark
my heart roams in the darkness
in search for the light
even one little flicker

I walk down the road
the road only traveled by me
I walk this road alone
allowing no one to join me
afraid of being hurt again and again
afraid of being left alone once they leave

I walk down the road
the road that has seen nothing
but the troubles and hurts of my life
I descent myself from everyone
I stay alone in my dark road

I walk down the road
the road that never seems to end
the road that goes on forever
and ever into only a greater darkness
I wander along
taking my time
no one is on this road
no one but me
I think about my life
a life of solitude

I walk down a road
the road I will always walk down
by myself
forever and ever

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