Faith in God

by Alon Calinao Dy
(Samar, Philippines)

I was four years old
When I didn't believe in God.
I thought God was not true,
But He helped me when I felt blue.

In my dream, I saw the Lord Jesus Christ.
He told me He died for us
For the forgiveness of our sins
And for the fulfillment of the New Testament.

When I woke up that night,
I cried so hard.
Now I truly understand
And I won't let Jesus out of my sight.

I know there are things that are hard
For someone like me to comprehend,
Yet I never lose my hope and faith
Because God is my food of strength.

Today I promise myself to be good
And spread the words of our Lord God
Even in my own little ways
I'll serve him all my remaining days.

Written by : Alon Calinao Dy

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