by Juno Odyessy
(New York)
All of those writers
With their fancy words
And their fancy thoughts
And their fancy ideas.
All of those stories
With their fancy characters
And their fancy quotes
No one would actually say in real life
But it sounds nice
So they keep it
All them hearts
And reads
And comments
"Omg this is so good!"
It's not
It really ain't
It's just some fancy words
No emotion
No feeling
Isn't poetry 'bout feelings?
No one is bad at feelings
But everyone can stop feeling.
"Her skin like moonlight"
"Hold me longer"
"I love you"
Those ain't half bad
But the other half is
No using others' words
Say it your own way
Even if it sounds dumb
Plum crazy
Out there
It's ok
'cause this isn't how I talk in real life
'cause this is just me putting my emotions down
They change
My voice changes
This is called a free verse poem
Ain't it nice?
No worrying about
no rules
just you
and your emotions
Or the past
Or future
I'm rambling like a drunkard, ain't I?
But that's a-ok
'cause I can be a drunkard if I wanna be
I can be anything
in a poem
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