Finding Fall Amidst the Leaves…

by Steve Thompson

Take to wing now the he feels the updrafts...of color splashing during the day...but at night the moon and I await your flight…travel on

Leaves that wave as they sail across the window pane...picking their spot carefully on the pavement.. .next to their best friend...

The rabbit kneels in the lush high weeds...and prays that the green shoots… that are poking their eyes thru the leaves… won't freeze

Grateful for the little pieces of fall...that kiss my eyes at this moment... tossed by a sweet wind so fragile.. .rain soaked… they ride the sky…

Apples... wear… shades of red… and we live in orchards of words … left unsaid.

Who can wish the Fall away… but it vanishes day by day... and when it is gone tears can't say... “Please more day".

Yellow day… in all your majesty… color me happy…

Give me your babbling brook… the cold drink of Fall... your slippery rounded stones... placed in just the right place for the view

Colors that brightly sing the Fall ... some notes so deep in red and yellow... as to take your breath away.

From the very first kiss the frost bit the rooftops the curtain rose in a different sky... and the vast love of God shone in a tiny Leaf

Branches on fire... licking your vision... bursting at the edges of dawn... unfurling a feeling you can taste all the way down... inside.

Beauty stands as a Cardinal... perched in sweet yellow leaves ... holding on for dear life... to whistle her finest tune into the cold Autumn morn.

October’s wild wind swept breath...wearing colored sheets that wander the landscape...over slick rocks piled to fence-up beauty ...

"Let the rain all over me" said the leaf… as its waxed skin held the bee for mere seconds... so he could taste the sweet maple

Can’t you just feel it… crawling up your skin... the empire of lovely ... just seeping in.

Love roams the highways and streams…its heart so pure… “its just trees"... they say… you can't tell memory that... not today.

Leave the brittle leaf in its grave... when the color of her is gone...and please don't step on her... winter will hide her until spring... to remember.

Love... you betrayer you… you pour your sun in golden trees... unleash your desires as blessings on the ground... I can pick up but never keep.

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