Forgiveness Poems explore the oft
painful process of granting clemency to those who have hurt us, as
well as the burdens placed on those seeking to be forgiven. So many
factors play into the psychology of forgiveness that the very notion
can take up a semester length university course.
In our latest collection of poems, we explore that lonely state of contemplation when we ask ourselves, should I or shan't I?
We hope these poetic thoughts give you comfort as you undertake the process of forgiveness.
I hurt you yesterday
what a foolish thing
unthinking, selfish am I
now regret
The time is nigh
words exchanged
hearts drained of anger
rage is stilled
silence broken
reconciliation casts its net
the light is rekindled
but only
when forgiveness is sought
when forgiveness is wrought
Author of Unhappiness
I turned the pages yesterday
to an earlier chapter of my life
the chapter was called "our love"
It was a prescription for happy days
a recounting of joy
an ode to selflessness a prelude to the next chapter
"our love lost"
a summary of deceit
of deception
of forgiveness granted
of love never regained
What If?
What if she were untrue?
could I receive her?
trust broken
bonds frayed
She must seek but only I can grant do I want to?
I'm not so sure
Perhaps I can
but what is done is done
forgiveness does not beget reunion
though it might lead to consideration of such
Only I can make me believe in you again
On Forgiveness
Tis' easy to seek forgiveness granting it is another matter indeed It requires a surgical precision a careful separation of ego and reason the forgiven remains suspect the forgiver wary
Poetry by Alan L. Loren
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