
by Olivia Walford
(Perry, Florida, USA)

When life gets you down,
And there's nowhere to turn,
I'll help you through and
I'll share your concern.

I'll try my best to return every favor,
When you're sure that you'll drown,
then I'll be your lifesaver;
Even if we both go down.

Whether we sink or swim
doesn't matter at all,
Just know that I'll be there
whenever you call.

I'll pull you out
when life pulls you under.
I'll be the sun
when there's lightning and thunder.

And when it's all over,
And we've fought every war,
There's one thing I promise,
Of this I am sure,
When the time comes
that we're put to our rest.
Be sure that you know that,
My friend, you're the best.

And if there is Heaven,
then I know you'll be there,
That if you die first
then you'll hear every prayer.
And soon I'll join you,
but just know until then.
That I'll miss you each day
'til I see you again.

At the end of the tunnel,
you'll be my guiding light,
You'll lead me to heaven,
away from the night.

We'll be there together,
and we'll never grow old.
And we'll walk hand in hand
On the streets paved of gold.

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Mar 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

A very sweet inspirational poem. comes across as very sensitive & romantic. I LOVED IT!

Oct 03, 2012
by: Jessica

This poem is wonderful !!

Apr 09, 2012
by: lily

nice it is so touching i was about to cry

Feb 01, 2012
ur poem
by: Anonymouses

that is so beaut5yful how did you get that poem its amazing!

Dec 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

simply beautiful

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