Gift Inside My Heart

by Trinket_Writer
(Washington State)

You started life so tiny, growing but
Stunted to a perpetual figurine.

Button eyes so full of love,
With fur so soft, only possible in dreams.

So small requiring protection,
From all exterior attacks.

My friend, you've been for years,
Laughing, running, playing with the cats.

Bringing joy for all,
And, such companionship.

I brought you from infancy, teenage years,
And took you on every trip.

Now uncannily we find ourselves,
The same age in number.

We enjoy each other in times of energy,
And cuddle when we slumber.

We now take days as they come,
We stretch, we limp, and walk slowly.

Pills are an everyday meal for us,
One for you, and two for me daily.

Naps come frequently,
With length of days.

Trying to forget the moment,
When we must part ways.

No other will follow you,
Impossible this will be.

For our hearts beat together,
Forever Chaumbrie.

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