Here I Am
by Anonymous
There is no where to run,
Only to hide.
But not even these hiding places
Are good enough to be safe from them.
They are hunters,
Very cruel, no regrets.
I am their target,
I have no chance of escape.
I am already caught,
I may not be in the net yet,
But I am locked in this place,
A place of darkness.
Here I am,
Listening to the footsteps of the hunters.
They walk closer, further away,
Then closer once again.
This is it.
They have their net.
I had a life,
But there was nothing there for me.
I ran into this trap.
I wanted to be alone.
I wanted my own life.
I wanted this.
Here I am,
Alone from everyone else.
No one could have hurt me,
Until they came.
They came in surprise,
First it was a voice,
Then the shadows came,
And then they appeared.
They gave me hope,
But then they gave me pain,
Now they are taking over my life,
No escape, nothing.
Here I am,
The footsteps for the last time
Are coming closer.
Now all I do is wait.
Here I am,
They have surrounded me,
I am sat here,
Nowhere to go.
Here I am,
The net has been thrown over me,
They have caught me,
Now I am all alone.
For eternity,
Lying here,
Will anyone ever see me again?
Or will memories of me blow away with the wind?
There I was,
Happy, Joyful,
But then it was all taken away,
Stolen from me.
There I was,
A broken heart and mind,
A broken life,
Nothing can repair me now.
Here I am,
Standing in this river,
Being pulled away,
There is no going back.
Here I am,
No more pain,
No more them,
No more me.