How to find her.

by McCollonough Ceili

For Laurel he still yearned,
That's why her body never burned.
Once she wore a uniform of black and white,
All were safe while in her sight.
Now in a bed caged by glass,
She lies in wait till his last day has passed.
But when time came for him to enter heaven's womb
No one was told that she was in lying in a tomb.
All thought her ashes where safe in an urn of red and black,
Never knowing he had changed his mind and taken her back.
Now here is the poem to help you find,
The secret that he left behind.

Unearth the key from the urn filled with sand,
And hold it heavy in your hand.
Put yourself where in the 40's lifeguards swarmed,
Since then things have changed,you are warned.
Find the black twisty metal stairs,
That take you below the sun filled air.
Down those stairs and out of sight,
Now take a turn to the right.
3 steps more,
Lead you to two red doors.
Turn that ancient key to the left,
Go inside hold your breath.
Breathe again as light shines,
On a love made shrine.
Look around what do you see?
A room made from memories.

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