I Don't Believe. But I Have to Believe.

by Jessica
(Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)

I am alone
I am a ghost
You said you had to go
'Why' is all I needed to know

My tears are ice
My cries so loud
My hands are shaken
For this fact is forsaken

My body seems frozen
As I am no longer moving
As I begin to know what's true
I being to know in the morgue is you.

For me to ask what was wrong
I wished you told me
I cannot accept this fact
As loving you was not an act

You said you hadn't believed
And it is I whom you deceived
As I look at your cut pattern
My name you had before carven

I wish to see you again my dear
It's just one thing I fear
Just one more little thing
As the phone begins to ring

My mother on the other line I know
The blood begins to flow
I will hope to again be with you
Just as this I will get through

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