I Lie This Day and Wake for You to Again Arise

by DreadMatis
(Earth 2020)

My Dear M. how the years have past
in the Eternal Gloom of my Crypt i Sniff a old lock of your Hair
What monster have i become, Even worse i long for your touch,
though I know you have been Gone for a Century , now.

The darkness here falls agian, how many times have i told you
my Sadden Soul intention, to Only Find you agian on some, Hollow
world of mines, and Pull you, Dear to my Aged heart once more...

This terrible curse i have lived with and died from and now,
apparently, and most unfortunnatley am Cursed Agian and Again,
to Walk with Un-Live ...Tortuously Walled up in my ancient
Gardens of Rotting French Grapes and Thorny Roses Vines that,
for sure, my Fall, Await.

Mt 2019

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