In my poems

by Propel chakma
(Melbourne, Victoria, ausralia)

My heartfelt poems takes you far away to the blue sky trap
this rainy afternoon makes black and white dreams
let's go to those dreamy clouds and get lost in their vastness
And I release all the pain deep inside me in my poems

All my dreamy clouds get broken without a sun ray
In the wind my poems flow releasing the dews in the sky
Make the rainbow appear without the drizzly rain.
let's go to those dreamy clouds and get lost in their vastness
And I release all the pain deep inside me in my poems.

Countless lines i write in these poems but still you stay away
In a reckless dead chariot I made my way to a new morning
Bright light of a pearl will come and save me from these dreams
let's go to those dreamy clouds and get lost in their vastness
And I release all the pain deep inside me in my poems.

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Oct 30, 2012
by: nickelino

nice....poem dude

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