by Eve Robson
(Summerland, B.C. Canada)

She wants
to show you
her original face...


The one she had
before her parents
conceived her

The one she had
before her father ever said
it was dumb and ugly

The one she had
before her mother ever left
a hand print on it...

or caused her
to hide it in shame

The one she had
before she covered it...

with a thick...fake

impermeable mask.

Comments for INCOGNITO

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by: Ian Colville

This needn't be autobiographical, but if it is, then I'm sorry too. It's a well crafted poem and conveys well the gulf between the protagonists and their emotions, which are cleverly stated; sparse, but effective.

by: southpawokpoet

I'm sorry they did that to you, I can't fix it, but please keep writing, you are very good. Let the words write,bring you out to a better place.
rest gently please,Dusty

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