Life's Journey

by Nicky Marinkovic
(Leeds, United Kingdom)

My journey through life is what will shape me
Give me strength to believe and try to break me
Make me deal with emotions, I don't want to feel
Give me somewhere to hide so my heart may heal

Face the fears deep inside, that I try to hide from
Give me faith to believe; that I too can be strong
To find courage within to face my deepest fears
In the dark of the night with my silent tears

Chase the sadness away that sometimes surrounds me
With the love that I feel from the people around me
Make my heart fill with pride for all that I share
With my family, my friends and the people who care

I look around and see all that life has to offer
The choices I make in the path that I follow
Contentment and happiness, I feel from within
If I am true to myself, life’s journey can begin

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