The Poetorialist
December 2011 Featured Poet

McCollonough Ceili

McCollonough Ceili
McCollonough has been creating poems and stories for as long as she can remember. Her first book of poems, published in October of 2011, was five years in the making. She has six books in all published on Kindle as well as an autobiography titled Noria which can be found on

Ceili is currently working on her 8th book titled What Happened In Hallandale, set to be released in early 2012.

Not only is she a published poet on My Word Wizard (MWW), she is also one of the most prolific critics of other's work on MWW. And we mean this in the most positive sense of the word. Her constructive critiques have no doubt helped countless writers gain better insight into how others read their poetry.

When she is not writing, McCollonough loves taking care of her now two-year-old niece Olivia.

You can find McCollonough on Twitter
@noriangirl and on Facebook

How to Find Lorraine

For Lorraine he still yearned,
That's why her body never burned.
Once she wore a uniform of black and white,
All were safe while in her sight.
Now in a bed caged by glass,
She lies in wait until his last day has passed.
But when time came for him to enter heaven's womb
No one was told that she was in lying in a tomb.
All thought her ashes were safe in an urn of red and black,
Never knowing he had changed his mind and taken her back.
Now here is the poem to help you find,
The secret that he left behind.

Lost Lines

They are ghosts that whisper haunting words to me
- words that I cannot hold in my head long enough
to put pen to paper.
Like water seeping thought cupped hands,
they fill me up,
then escape me just as quickly.

*Both poems are taken from 
Thoughts Formed From Silence available on Kindle.

© McCollonough Ceili * 2011 * All Rights Reserved


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