Me In My Farewell Party...

by Shaista Khadim

I bought the pink gown
A week before the day
Very excited was I
Nothing could block my way.

It was a very plain pink one
Silver stones on one side
Longer than my own self
Just like the one of a bride.

Touching the silky cloth
I imagined myself in it
A black scarf with it would be perfect
And silver shoes with silver earrings
would flawlessly fit.

An hour before the party, I got ready
Coming true was my dream
Standing in front of the mirror
I couldn't help but beam.

I wasn't proud
Nor was I vain
But Mom and Sis said I looked pretty
They wouldn't be lying, would they?

When I entered the hall
(I was amongst the early ones)
The eyes turned to me
Compliments flew past
I stood shyly, without a reply.

As more and more came
And the lights became brighter
There I saw Handsome Princes
and Beautiful Princesses
One above the other.

"I am in awe"
"I just can't speak"
"You look terribly beautiful"
Some compliments passed to me.

I searched for the most handsome one
The one about whom I could boast
Didn't have to put in a lot of effort
There,on the stage, was the host.

The gown now hangs in the cupboard
Standing elegantly
I'm here with the embarrassing sweet memories
Of me in my Farewell Party.

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