My Angel

by Wabil Janjua
(Sharjah, U.A.E)

The pain that resides deep within today
is too much to bear, too much to share
yet fate dragged me down this ditch
got me caught in this glare, a snare

Today I weep tears of blood
where my heart leaps to see you there
I believe in the power of my love
the intensity with which I care

That angel came in the darkness of night
sweeping away all my fears
she took me out of my misery
lent me those beautiful tears

It was because of her that
I became so strong
I owe her my life
I was reborn

In her presence everything was bright
when she went there was no light
I miss her today so dearly
wondering how God, could kill me, took her away so early.

I stand here so lost without you
breathing in poison, yet staying alive
so please my dear listen to my plea
always always, my dear angel, remain in glee

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give and take...
by: S.K

this world runs on a policy of give and get what you can only demand glee from someone when you yourself give em a sMiLe....

by: S.K

When that precious drop of water threatens to fall from your eye,there sitting on the cloud is an angel sent by Him to come down and take away the tear...Then the angel changes it into a very pretty Pearl that's found nowhere in the world and heavens,because:
It came out from someone's eye who's got a heart of gold,emotions of silver,and the smile of diamonds.........

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