My Best Friend Jaezleni

by Anonymous
(Queens NY )

The one thing that keeps me happy,
Is my best friend Jaezleni,
She's the one and only friend I need,
I wouldn't trade her for any other person in the world,
Not for another boy or for a girl,
I love to see her smile,
It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,
And it makes it better,
When she smiles at me,
I love that she tells me,
My rights from my wrongs,
And when I do something she doesn't like,
She slaps me on the head,
And says don't do it anymore,
And I respect that,
Cause she puts me in my right place,
Me without her,
I wouldn't know where I'd be,
All I know is that since I met her,
I've found the real me

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by: Monday

Very well put. It's always good to know you have that one special person you can count on In life. I have my own Bestie of 20 years now. So great that I can count on her for anything and she always does the same. Never in the twenty years have we had an argument or disagreement. I love her so much she is a sister I never had I counldnt of asked for a better BFF. I hope you and your Bestie never fight and always agree to disagree.

by: Anonymous

aww this is so cute i love it bestiee!!

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