My Dear Drowning Angel

by Jennavive G.
(Casselberry FL)

My Dear Angel Rise With Me From The Lake...

My Dear Angel Rise With Me From The Lake...

My Dear Drowning Angel

Embrace the dark, it alone can save the light!
My dear drowning angel, I'll sink with you till the very end...
Till my bones decay, leaving me only a soul, to fly with you...
Forever eternally!
Embrace with me, the pain, the hate...
Swallow it all whole, giving us the power to survive.
My dear drowning angel, I cannot save you if you won't try...
Open your eyes, look at the lake...
You don't have to drown, if you drown with me!
We'll find an immunity.
Together you know, there's no giving up!
And if we die this night, we'll finally truly live!
The life mortals fear, what they can't conceive...
My dear drowning angel, I'd fall for you...
Just for you to breathe life one final time.
Oh my dear angel, we can make a liar of the lake...
We'll turn the sinking into rising.
My dear drowning angel, don't give up on me just yet...
I breathe death for you.
My dear angel, rise with me from the lake...

My dear drowning angel fly with me.

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