My Pen Bleeds

by Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.
(Colorado Springs, CO, US)

By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.

The last breath of love dribbles from my pen

Words of emotion

Stories of trust

The life blood of civilizations history with every stroke of my pen

My pen bleeds the emotional stains that we as men have created

Each passionate stroke creates emotions buried deep inside

Emotions we never thought we’d share

Tales of despair and heartbreak

Stories of joy and happiness

Each word given a heartbeat to live within you

My pen bleeds life on this blank canvas

Given life to the dead recesses of the mind

If other pens would bleed as mine has

Diversity and understanding would trump politics and hatred

This pen bleeds togetherness

Their pen bleeds understanding

Our pen bleeds words that are read and felt

My pen bleeds me

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Very Strong
by: PoemFiend

Wow, those are powerful words. Nice.

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