Mystery Dinner Theater Presents "Whodunit?"

by Vernon Waring
(King of Prussia, PA-USA)

It could be the lonely duchess
Or maybe it's the CEO
Or the snobby media mogul
The one who almost stole the show

Consider the brash playboy
(He does look kind of shifty)
Then again there's the gambler
(Everyone calls him "Swifty")

Check out the carefree diplomat
With that fake smile but no charm
And then there's the airhead heiress
With tattoos adorning her arms

My money's on the senator
Always running, always winning
His wife seems sort of suspect too
With her endless mindless grinning

And then there is the debutante
Who flirted with the football star
And don't forget the pro golfer
Who spent so much time at the bar

But after all that guessing
Throughout the suspenseful show
Turns out the butler did it
...As if I didn't know!

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