Populars vs Nerds
by Lauren R
(England )
Here I am,
Sitting in class,
But as an outcast.
You make fun of us;
My friends and me.
You are fake,
I am real.
I'm smart,
I don't understand why
you have to make fun of us.
We have done nothing to you.
Is it because we're different?
Is it because I'm quiet?
Is it because I'm deathly pale;
I don't have a fake tan.
Is it because I'm too tall?
But really it's to make you look cool.
It's to make you look good,
And it's to make you feel whole inside.
Is it working?
We try to work hard,
We get bullied by you,
We feel weak,
We only want to fit in.
We have enough problems;
Enough stress without you.
Why do you do this?
We want good jobs,
A nice future.
Kids, a house and a car.
That's why we're smart.
We're outcasts,
I don't know about you,
but I wouldn't have it any other way...