by Swila Bathool
(Karama,Dubai, U.A.E)
They enslave a person whose was born free
Examining their flight from tree to tree
I see a string tied around their neck
They pick out the one from the deck
Under the souls of the whites was the history
Cause and their requirement, the actual mystery
Male domination crushes their pair
Physical and emotional bullying they do dare
Minority being crumbled by the tramp
Majority masters focusing the ramp
Suppressed are the weak by their counterpart
Ah! There, those are bring pulled, their cart
Elites ruin those deserving poor
Mistreated are they, non to cure
Disparities arose on bases of religion and caste
Why do they reappear, that disgusting past?
Ye mighty! Who gave you the right to deny?
Just lumps of flesh are you, yet to die
The most disgracing, you are to mankind
Let peace ring, peace rebind
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