Saying I'm Fine with Bleeding Wrists

by I'm Fine
(Body's location: France/Heart's location: San Francisco)

The pain is making me cry blood
The only person I can blame is myself
My heart is slowly becoming cold 
I fear nothing but life itself

Love is leading me to sorrow 
My bloodshot eyes keep me from seeing you
I hope I will see tomorrow 
But without you death is the only thing it'll lead me to

My heart is full of hate for my feeling
The only thing love can lead me to 
Is a need for disappearing 
I cannot live another day without you

I see myself in a blood bath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I loose my consciousness 

The pain is tearing my soul apart 
These words flying in my mind: 
Love is inaccessible for your heart
You will forever be left behind

I'm suffering from not seeing you
The pain is now to immense to feel
The end is what I'm looking forward to 
My agony is just too real

But until the end I will love you 
Until my heart stops beating 
That's why I hate myself for loving you
When will I stop bleeding?

I see myself in a blood bath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I loose my consciousness 

Without remorse, you took my heart
You are now burning it into pieces 
My mind is falling apart
But for my life, only I can free myself from this disease

Love is just an illusion 
A hope that you could be happy
But after long reflection
It always hurts badly 

I cannot stand it anymore 
The pain overflowing in my body
All around there's blood and gore
Why did this happen to me?

I see myself in a blood bath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I loose my consciousness 

The pain almost stopped
To come back a second later
I cannot stand it when it drops
To restart again all over

I wish someone could hear my scream
But there's no one left who can save me
I could have been saved, freed from my dream
But it's too late, I'm with the enemy 

I wish to feel better tomorrow 
If it is not with the dead
My heart is full of sorrow
I am starting to see red

I see myself in a blood bath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I loose my consciousness 

Why did you have to go
You are now in love with someone else
All my soul claims my sorrow
But there's no expression on my face

I am still bleeding
From the inside and the outside
The pain is in all my being
I don't have anything to hide

I hate and I love you
These feelings mixing together 
Form an area of pain which I'm into
But I hope not forever

I see myself in a blood bath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I loose my consciousness 

There's a hole in my heart 
That's where you stabbed me 
When you tore my soul apart
And made pain enter my body

I beg you, please 
Give me the last strike
My soul will finally breathe
But my heart is full of spikes

My wounds will never heal 
Look at what you did to me
This pain is just to real
I will never be free

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

Hate love hate love
I can't make a difference 
I would want to see all my problems resolved
But I lack of confidence

I love you and hate myself
That's why I want to die
But the pain itself
Now covers my eyes

Hot blood leaving me makes me cold
I am saying goodbye to life
I wish I could have died old
But without you I prefer the knife

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

To lie dead on the ground
Letting go of the pain
I don't know what will be found
If I lose myself again

If you heard me scream
Would you save me from this hell
Or will you let tears down my face stream
Only you can tell

The pain took control of my body
It made on my face a strange expression
I can now see you in front of me
But it is just an illusion

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

I see a bright light
That's where my pain will stop 
My body is held so tight 
I feel my agony coming to the top

Is it the end I want 
Dying, forgotten by all
But I just can't 
Escape at all

Only she can save me
But she makes too much mistakes
My soul is leaving my body
You can't imagine how much pain it takes

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

I am almost there 
She is trying to take me back
But she hesitates to take care
Because all around me is black

Does she really want to help me
Or does she do it for her sake
The pain is not leaving my body
I don't know if she is true or fake

Does she really care 
Or is she just faking
She says for me she'll be there
And she is true when she's crying

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

This is my free fall
In hell forever 
I throw myself against the wall
Escape I will never

Again this vision
Of me bleeding to death
I have illusions
Of me losing my breath

What really is love
Another way to hurt yourself
The pain is coming from above
I'm becoming crazy myself

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

I'm so confused
Where will I end up
If she refuses
To catch me up

Is hell for real
Or just someone's imagination
When I am killed
I'll see my pain's creation

My last words for you
"I wish not to shock you too much
But I'm gone through
And it is your fault, so much"

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I loose my consciousness

Eight months always dreaming
In the best dream of all
But it's time to wake up suffering
No one's here to answer to my call

Now that I woke up in the darkness 
I need to go back to this pain 
Though it was worth it, forgetting loneliness 
I just hope it will happen again

Why did this have to end 
I'm still trying to hold on 
You can't any longer hold out your hand to me
Though I can't believe you're gone

I see myself in a bloodbath
The eyes full of emptiness
I will find out the right path
As I lose my consciousness

I gave it all to you 
You decided to break it
I cannot believe it's true 
Now in this world I can't fit

No more "I love you"
That made me feel happy
All this made me get through
This world I don't fit in

I can't describe how much it hurts 
The pain I left before 
Just came back in my guts
But I don't know what for

I see myself in a bloodbath
The eyes full of emptiness
I will find out the right path 
As I lose my consciousness

I don't belong anymore
In this world without you 
I want only to see blood and gore 
Without you to help me through

My life's not worthy
Without you it is pointless
All the beauty I used to see
Faded, all my hopes were hopeless

You act like nothing happened 
How could you do that 
Everything we did is now broken 
Our past is something you don't look at

I see myself in a bloodbath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I lose my consciousness

I used to be your angel 
But I've fallen down again
Broke my wings and fell 
From your heart to that pain

I can't fly anymore
Life taken out of me 
What can I live for
Now that you are my enemy 

Scars on my back hurt
Where my wings just broke 
But it's nothing like my heart 
Stabbed to make me choke

I see myself in a bloodbath
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path 
As I lose my consciousness

How can you see into my eye
Like an open door
My wounds bleeding until I die
I won't hold on anymore

My hazel eyes you loved 
Can't see you anymore
And turned red from all the blood
You can't see them like before

Can someone save me 
I'm drowning in you 
But no one can see
That I'm going through

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I lose my consciousness

Only you can save me
But I can't go against my fate
If it is to die I'm not free
And you will be too late

Though you don't want to 
Save your broken angel
From the death you led him to 
I'm going to die and go to hell 

Your angel is dying
And you won't do anything
You'll find another one waiting
While I go through suffering 

I see myself in a bloodbath 
The eyes full of emptiness 
I will find out the right path
As I lose my consciousness

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Oct 28, 2012
by: I'm fine

Well thank you emo boy :)

Aug 29, 2012
by: emo boy

that was amazing

Apr 15, 2012
by: i'm fine

thank you very much :D well that poem is the first one i wrote and i dont like it that much but thanks anyway :D

Apr 07, 2012
by: lucy

I love it, you're a great writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 06, 2011
response to annonymus
by: i'm fine

Thanks and well i also quoted Mortal Love, it was my first inspiration source, The Pretty reckless a little also, In Flames too, and my ex's poem she wrote about me when we were still together

Dec 06, 2011
by: Annonymous

You quoted Evanescence..... nice touch

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