The soldier boy stood straight and tall
His boots shone brightly in the sun
This was his choice raised to the call
Just as generations before had done
He would not move nor budge one inch
With eyes of steel he would never flinch
He had been taught well to never flinch
Meet with terror while standing tall
To rise up in stature inch by inch
In trouble or combat rain, hail or sun
For whatever task that must be done
He would always answer duty's call
To arms then hear the fearless Call
Those wealthy fellows will later flinch
They still would want a job well done
When they themselves don’t stand so tall
Good for nothing but money and sun
They gather their riches inch by inch
Then still another mile, yard or inch
It’s only want that makes them call
For distant lands with oil and sun
Greed their cause to never flinch
Money will make them feel so tall
No risk of their own lives to be done
Led into a fight that need not be done
Making spirits flag slowly inch by inch
Crawling on belly is not standing up tall
When killing civilians is not of your call
Those lifeless bodies will no more flinch
Spilled blood shining brightly in the sun
Just as you laid your life down in the sun
The task deployed now can never be done
Hand back lands as the governments flinch
Same lands you had died for inch by inch
Now for eight pallbearers up goes the call
To carry the coffin in which you lie tall
Tall in your cold coffin not hot in the sun
Call no more for duty for none can be done
Inch no more a matter, rigor mortis wont flinch