by Alexia Styx
As easy as it is to fall into dark places as difficult it is to come out of it.
Triggering the subconscious mind, waking inner demons from their sleep can end up bruising and burning real bad.
The "oh I'm so above", so fu--ing hypocritical attitudes are not that appreciated or really welcomed.
Intuition overgrows it all with time, can see right through manipulation, exploitation and pointing fingers, the real reasons of doing so.
Every medal has two sides - one white and warm, other dark and cold.
Which one you choose is really up to you but beware, what you see isn't always what you get.
There's so many lies behind all these eyes, so many secrets and when it comes to the deepest and most turbulent emotions it makes you equally unreliable and dangerous to your own self and everyone else as it makes me, my friend.
Don't be fooled not even for a second - make believe doesn't exist anymore, not in this scenario.
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