Thanks for the Gifts

by Tonia

Daddy, you gave me the gift unconditional love
in abundance and depth only second to our Father above
you provided instruction and rebuke in necessary quantities
taught lessons of life and the importance of honorable qualities

You gave me the gift of courage and strength
instilling in me, that of any race I can run the length
and whenever I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders
I must fall to my knees and pray to our Heavenly Beholder

You gave me the gift of seeking wisdom in every way
Giving me a virtuous mom, with utmost insight to convey
embedding the importance of making wise decisions
maintaining the focus on the spiritual, not earthly visions

Daddy, you furnished sufficient love, courage, and wisdom to sustain
Necessary in fighting through the unpredictable pain
from the reality that you are at rest, away in God's hands
yet, I remain without my daddy, the one who truly understands

I'm extremely grateful though, that God blessed me with you for so many years
and just when I need you the most, the warmth of your love always appears
"Glory be to God," I Jubilantly shout
God is merciful !!! I shall never doubt

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Jun 12, 2012
by: Momofthr3

At first glance looking at the title, i thought this was a poem about an over indulged spoiled little child. Upon reading i was so wrong and have to give my sincerest apologies to the author. What a blessing it was to read and be inspired by such poetic blessings. Thank you for posting your poem to share. GOD Bless You.

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