by William Black
(Sacramento, CA, USA)
Daddy can you hear me
you're not supposed to do this all alone
daddy why didn't you tell me
don't you think I should have known
wipe away your tears my sweet child
no need for you to be sad
the day must come in every woman's life
when a daughter
will bury her dad
in the circle of life
all things have a place
and a time under the sun
a crawl begins it all
stand and fall and stand and fall
baby steps teach you to walk
walk before you can run
a father's love runs deep
but the relationship is tricky
protector and teacher, her superman
he knows it won`t last
for they grow up too quickly
daddy's little girl
now spends her time
chasing after boys
make up, cell phone and a diary
takes the place of all her toys
he spends many sleepless nights
waiting for her to come in the door
anguishes every time her heart gets broken
only to see her piece it together again
and go right back for more
boyfriends evolve into a fiance
the wedding takes place in June
he walks her down the aisle
and tears make trails down wrinkled cheeks
when he hears her say I do
time took his little grain of sand
and spit him back a pearl
he notices the woman now standing
where once was only a girl
she hasn't visited for quite a while
now they live in another state
he spends his days now
reminiscing with old photographs
weekly phone calls keep him up to date
how he loves to hear her laugh
he doesn't dare to say a word
about the cancer that is eating him alive
the doctor's say it inoperable
with no chance to survive
she finds out when the hospital says to come
because there's not much time
he could possibly last a day or two
but may not see the next sunrise
when finally she made it
he was still holding on
she rushed in and he woke up
then she asked him for answers
but he told her a story instead
by the time she understood
and they both said goodbye
daddy's big girl now
felt his spirit spread wings
and fly
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