The Evolution Of The Giraffe

by Courtney
(Evanston, IL, USA)

A giraffe you know, is tall and lean.
Not storky or dorky or droopy or mean.
But if you go back and take a look,
you may not find what you'd see in a book.
They were short back then, with plump little legs,
like a little hot dog, stood up on pegs.
Happy little things, as they jumped around.
Hopping and clopping, barely leaving the ground.
Then something happened one hot summer day,
when the little plump legs seemed to melt away.
They squeezed and they pushed,
and they stretched and they mushed, Then..
Only two days later, something had changed.
All the little giraffes had been... rearranged.
Their legs stretched long and their necks stretched tall.
What they thought used to be giants, seemed so small.
The giraffes were happy, and they were proud,
for they could see, over a towering crowd.
And that is how it came to be.
With a few little giraffes, you and me.

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Apr 04, 2013
by: DAMO!

Very enjoyable :-)

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