The Letter Written for 2Pac

by Majezty C. Navarro
(Redondo Beach, CA)

Rivers have begun streaming from my Painful Eyes
It seems that the water will never cease
Songs from your CD's don't seem to help me
I'm only 17, not old enough to drink
Yet there's a half emptied bottle of Hennessy
I poured you a glass & left the rest for your memory
Your music is my Hennessy
When I get a taste of it, my mind begins writing masterpieces of poetry
Thug Life, I've joined that struggle
Associated myself with the movement, Killuminati
I thank Afeni for allowing you to breathe and I thank you sincerely for all that you taught me
I write this in my letter written for 2Pac...

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by: McCollonough Ceili

I don't know who 2Pac was but I love the tribute you have written for them. Very good, sweet , and sad.

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