
by Cath

I know you love me,
I know that I'll love you until the day I die even if you never call or reciprocate.
I know you don't want a sick girlfriend.

Well anyway I wanted to tell you that I think your great.

I know you're only a guy and no one wants to be put up there.

I'd say you're a good judge of character, mostly right about people.

Much more out there than I'd ever be.

A survivor, unselfish, nice mannered, quick witted, a gentleman

I know your not going to call, or for a very long time if you ever do.

There is great life to you, I love your voice.

Anyway, best of luck. I was so impressed with you and they way you dealt with me in the news. I'd say you were that close to asking me to leave.

Best of luck Thomas and I wish you all the best during Christmas and in the new year.


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