Turning into Dust

by Alexia Styx

Turning into dust, beautiful pieces of paper
that once graced your walls
It pains you to even look at them as they were
some lost lover, no longer yours to hold,
no longer the one whose heart you can claim

And you stand there watching the world move
in slow motion as every part of your body gets cold,
and yet you try to snap out of it but it pulls you
down to the ground so you can no longer fly

The world slaps you in the face once again,
pushing you back into the devil's long reaching arms
and this time you know – the game is over now
The light in the eyes is gone; the lust for life
has finally withdrawn leaving you empty,
no longer caching vivid dreams

The abyss stares at you and you stare right back
but the words stay in
Hello my old friend,
the thoughts speak on their own, knowing, feeling
Turning into dust,
never have been more dead in life or more alive in death

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Tis written, ashes to ashes, dust to dust and to
dust though shalt return AMEN??

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