by Keith H. Seymour
(Columbia, South Carolina, America)
I have so little.
Yet at the same time... i have so much.
I have less than most,
yet so many more have so much less than I.
So, is it sinful or vain for greater wealth to vie?
Even if such added wealth, would not be hoarded by me,
but shared with much needier children of God
so often ignored... by society?
I have all that I need... god willingly!
Still my needs want more than I have... materially.
I certainly have more wealth
than HE...whose head was adorned by thorns...
and whose body enshrouded the "the first HOLY robe."
it was HIS test, trials, and tribulations... not mine
that were far greater than those of Peter, Moses, and Job.
Though by mortal standards,
I have so very little wealth,
a far great power had Gifted me
with a "wealth of friends,"
that some may number... as "just a few."
It is "this generous spirit" that reminds me
I am to extend the same "loving gift"
in a manner and time that God... not I
"for me to."