by matthew scott harris
(schwenksville, pennsylvania, usa)
Biological copulation draws Easter egg,
fecund gooey glommed gametes
heralding zygote
(adroit bitcoin currency)
describing extemporaneous fusion
generate hormonal influx
juices kickstarting life manifold
natural occurrence pregnancy quilts
rudimentary secrete tapestry
until vicar wizard yields
zealous adorable biological concatenation,
derivative extrapolated filigreed
Gonads heft, induce jointly knotted
linkedin MineCraft nascent occurrence
presaging quintessential reproduction,
sharing third trimester,
umbilical venerated womb
yawping zee amazing baby, credit
deoxyribonucleic acid, enigma fantastically grand
husband injected jetted klatch,
leaving microscopic nothings,
opportunistically pierced quarters,
readied shutterfly trap, uterus vibrantly welded
* * * * * * * * *
yoked zappa bun, cooked definitive enchilada,
formula generations hardy
induced jimmied kin, labored
maternal newborn, one pricked queue,
randiness spurred testes ubiquitously,
voyaged whimpering yelper,
thence subjected to the royal treatment
whence reality inundates the full term offspring
upon a lifelong journey (initially as
foreigner sans in utero),
but willfulness viz life source secures survivor
against the pinging peccadilloes
learning by trial and error to iron out kinks
as one among the human league
since the modus operandi to transcend
encumbrances triggers built in impetus
to traverse poet tent shill pitfalls along
space/time continuum trajectory
which adversity only serves
to net greater strength
since that instantaneous and spontaneous
bitmap encoded upon conception.