by Bruce Cabell the Writing Guy
(West Hartford, CT)
To the thousands of teachers it's time that I state
The number of traits that make us so great.
Each one of us teaching is rather unique
Plus the traits we acquire are simply mystique.
So let me point out what many don't see
What makes a great teacher honestly.
We're truly committed working each day and night
Every teacher who's teaching gets my vote outright.
We're so full of life when we teach day to day
The vigor we have is forever displayed.
We're encouraging and clever and we try to be firm
One goal that we have is to help students learn.
We're generous and friendly and we know that we're caring
The stunts we perform are really quite daring.
We're dedicated and patient and we want to inspire
Encouraging each student is one strong desire.
We're responsible and reflective and truly courageous
Our hugs and huge smiles are simply contagious.
We're respectful and resourceful and we do understand
Every student has needs that require a hand.
But I think most of all is what students have said
So let's stop and listen and hear them instead.
You know students view us through their own blameless eyes
What makes us so great? Read the students' replies!
"You're pretty and handsome and I think you're so cool."
Many students have said in the classroom we rule.
"You're smart and so happy plus you make learning fun."
To our classroom students we are their number one.
"You're loving and helpful and I think you're so funny."
Cloudy days for some students turn out to be sunny.
"You're positive and creative and school is exciting."
Students rush through the door because it looks so inviting.
I can't think of another who really equates
To a hard working teacher who is really so great.
So I hope you have pondered, examined, and learned
Finding greatness in teachers won't be a concern.
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