What is Living?

by Madhavi

Living can't be taught it can only be caught,
happily unscathed the innocent child remains,
until it grows into the grown-up world domains;
socialization grows out of proportion,
until Isolation brings respite from commotion!

Living is opportunities missed and
regretted in life's incidents,
twisted and corrected by circumstances and coincidences,
leading to consequences,through untold and unseen instances;
chaotic experiences leading to consciousness in existence,
constant inner flux and flow transiting in continuance!

Living is flying high and low on the zigzag arrow of time,
transforming thoughts and framing opinions on life's vine;
learning that 'what seems is not exactly what it seems';
that reality hides behind the mask of fake faces, fake smiles,
relying on holy comfort that
helps to confront debacles!

Living is like catching the falling snow
temptingly seeming to fall into eager hands
But melting as it touches outstretched hands
rowing in suspense on the grueling rudderless boat
to sink or to swim is life's choice or destiny vote!

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Well Written
by: Lahari

Madhu Akka -

This is a very well thought out and carefully written poem. It really analyzes life through a realistic perspective. I especially like the following line: 'what seems is not exactly what it seems'.

Nice Poem
by: Gary B

Living explained beautifully through poem

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