where in tarnation doth spam arise?

by matthew scott harris
(schwenksville, pennsylvania)

egg goo nee - relentless spam!

egg goo nee - relentless spam!

sam i yam not,
nor will this 'lo bot go away
cuz, every coordinate in cyber space allows,
enables and provides
an opportunity to bray,

and thence get access
to each excel lent power full point
one among the beguiling bajillion,
thus this ming boggling concept proffers

(even the generic mom and pop hacker
tubby in her/his element field gloating
as if they won
the Irish Sweepstakes that day

despite neither could claim
direct lineage, sans Emerald Eire
analogous to Celtic temptress,
whose grand geography

beckons toward entranceway,
where sensory, levity,
and ecstasy punctuate foray
boot that diverges one hundred

and eighty degrees asper gateway
onrush of spam enters electronic hatchway
spilling forth like
offal horrific bilge interlay

sloshing violently, revoltingly,
and nauseatingly, witnessing a jay
bird donning mask (yule hating)
beak coming contrivance fashioned keyway.

force full brainstorm to firewall
to place on indefinite layaway
inundation of spam midway
between now and eternity,

essentially noway
no more, and if necessary
hermetically seal myself
stationing a pal in drone willingly overpay!

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