Who You Are

by Robert Seminara
(Los Angeles )

The sun, the brightest star, it's glory and flame, its heat and fire, a dull flicker. So is it compared to how I love you. Pound this planet from its grandeur to dust. With that ferocity so do I yearn for you. With every screaming soul, all their tears in every way they mourn, none are as I ache for you, your eyes the cause of my dreams no more. Nothing will replace them so I sleep not, for fear my inner mind may try and surely fail. No beautiful dream of things lasting even a lifetime entire, are as your least-most moment. To compare is to be a fool in action. Do you know who you are to me? What is un-writable and understood only by lovers greater than many would know, you know. For you are she. My all who without, I am not. And without would care to breath no more.

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Oct 28, 2016
Wow! I wish i wrote this poem!
by: Just someone who reads

Holly crap this guys good! That poem just made me wish I was in love so that I could read it to my lover and lie and say I wrote it for her!

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